Student Transportation
Bukasa Secondary School is a boarding school located on Bukasa Island in Kyamuswa County, Kalangala District. Their goal is to provide economically vulnerable students with skills that will increase their employment and income opportunities as young adults. In recent years, Bukasa Secondary has been experiencing declining student enrollment and poor teacher retention due to a lack of transportation options available for traveling between the islands. Bukasa is the only secondary school in Kyamuswa County, serving students in the 40 surrounding islands. The lack of transportation causes many students to report late at the beginning of a new term, or fail to return at all.
Bukasa Secondary School employees heard of the work Kamukamu had done at surrounding schools and requested our help in financing a boat for school transportation. By providing accessible, reliable, and consistent school transportation between the islands, Bukasa hopes to increase student enrollment, and attract & retain qualified teachers. Kamukamu agreed to help by financing the purchase of a boat, motor, and life jackets. Kamukamu’s goal was to have this project financed and completed by 2023. Thanks to our generous donors, we were able to meet this goal just in time and completed the project in December 2022.